The Perfect Way To Build Connections

Whether it's employee engagement or client appreciation, we've got a sweet solution to help you stay connected. 

Order by March 31st for early-bird pricing!

Order deadline April 10th, 2023.

Choose 1 of 3 Options

Hello Spring

Use this box to reach out to potential new clients, or simply say hello!

Employee Appreciation

Let your employees know they are appreciated.

Thanks a Bunch

Thank your suppliers for always being there when you need them.

How it works:
  1. Select 1 of 3 cards.
  2. Select your quantity.*
  3. Write your message.
  4. Upload your address list.  – excel only please.
    (Download our excel template to ensure first name, last name, Street, City, Prov. Postal code are all in separate fields)
  5. Upload your logo.

Then add to cart, check out and wait for the accolades to come through as people receive their boxes.

*minimum 25 boxes per order.

Sweet Box

Sweet Box

Regular price$20.00

Write a Message Please do not use emojis as our software does not support it.

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